
On the Jobs page, you can see a list of all the verification jobs that have been run in your Vouched account.

Click Jobs on the left menu
If applicable, filter the verification jobs using the top form



Jobs have the following status:

  • Approved - The verification process has been completed and approved
  • Failed - The verification process has failed
  • Active - User is in the process of being verified
  • Removed - The job was deleted by the account admin
  • Warning - The verification process was completed and may require a review. For example: ID was expired, candidate was rejected by CrossCheck.

Job Details

When you click a job in the list, the Job Details page will appear. This page includes the photos that were submitted with the job as well as a number of tabs with additional info.


Summary tab

  • ID: A unique identifier of the job.
  • Reviewed: A checkbox to mark when you or another member of your team manually reviewed the job. When looking for jobs you can filter your search to only jobs that were reviewed.
  • User Confirmation (optional):
  • Status: explained above (statuses section)
  • Valid ID: Whether the ID picture is approved or rejected, threshold=0.9
    • Device Info: The device type from where the candidate made the request, e.g. Macintosh, Windows, etc.
    • Capture Type: Our JS Plugin has an auto-capture feature that is designed to take the best shoot. If it couldn't do so, after a few attempts, the user has an option to take the picture manually. automatic/manually
  • Valid Selfie Whether the selfie picture is approved or rejected, threshold=0.9
  • Face Match: Indicates whether the face in the ID matches the selfie.
  • Expiration Date: If the ID expired - this field will be marked with an orange Warning symbol.
  • Name (optional): The name that was provided with the job request (notice: this is not the name that has been extracted from the ID), this field also indicates if the provided name matches the name on the ID, see the approved/failed symbols.
  • AML (optional): Red indicates presence on the Sanction/Warning lists. Orange indicates a presence on one or multiple PEP lists.
  • IP Address (optional): IP address matches the address on the ID.

Review tab - Manually Review Jobs

Once a specific job has been selected, for cases where a manual review is required, the user can override the results.

  1. Click Jobs on the left menu
  2. Select the job to be reviewed
  3. Click on the Review tab
  • The main status field is not clickable, in order to fully approve a job (means status=approved) you need to approved/check all the fields under it. Once they are all approved the status changes automatically.
  • The grey status icons on the right (inline in purple) are the job results. Icons with an x symbol indicate a process that had a result below the threshold, selecting the icon will switch it to an approved / check symbol if the reviewer deems it to be an error by the system.

The above can be also changed via API, for more information: Update Job Review

Request tab

This tab contains all the information that arrived with the job such as name, phone number, email, as well as the agent/channel that was used to make the request, e.g., browser, API request, and (optional) the IP from where the request was made.

ID tab

This tab contains all the information that was extracted from the ID such as ID type, state, country, ID number, First and Last name (the name that has been extracted from the ID), DOB, expiration date, gender, etc.

Scores tab

This tab contains a score between 0 to 1 for each of the following:

  • ID: overall identity score of the ID
  • Selfie: overall identity score of the selfie
  • Face Match: how the face match the ID

It also contains a Yes/No field for the ID expiration date

CrossCheck tab

More information: crosscheck

DLV tab

More information: dlv

AML tab

More information: aml

Files tab

Here you can download a job report as a PDF file. This can also be done via an API call: Download Job PDF

Delete tab - delete Jobs manually

  • Deleted jobs cannot be retrieved
  • In the Jobs section, the verification jobs are in descending order based on time
  • Click on the job to be deleted.
  • Select the Delete tab and type in the job id in the ID field.
  • Click the Remove button to delete the job.